Do you have a question for us? Please get in touch!
Are you Certified Organic?
Often people ask us if we are “Organic” or “Certified Organic”. No. We are not Certified Organic.
Our main objective is to produce healthy animals and support local producers (both Certified Organic and non-Certified Organic) when we purchase feed grains and hay. We aim to source non-chemically/minimally treated ingredients from neighbours and friends regardless of their certification status. Where we can, we seek to source grains from farmer’s that are practicing and experimenting with regenerative farming practices. Certification can be prohibitive and is not necessarily a good indicator of how sustainable, forward thinking and regenerative a farm is.
We realize that people want to eat food that is not treated with synthetic chemicals. We are a small family farm and we feel the same way about our food. We want to produce food that is good for your health and the health of your family. We want to produce food that is good for soil health and the environment. We use a systems ecology and community approach, Holistic Management and planned grazing on pasture to produce food that takes more than certification into consideration.
Our animals are raised without the use of synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics or GM feed grains.
What is the difference between pasture-raised and grass-fed?
Grass-fed refers to what an animal eats (grass) and pasture-raised refers to where an animal eats (on a pasture).
Most grass-fed animals are pasture-raised but not all pasture-raised animals are grass-fed.
We have, in the past, been asked about grass-fed chicken. Our chickens are pasture-raised and not grass-fed. Chickens and pigs are opportunistic monogastrics (single chambered stomach). They will eat a variety of foods (including a little bit of grass) but do not digest cellulose like a ruminant (cows, sheep, goats) and do require supplemental feed (grain). Pastured animals live on pasture but are not necessarily grass-fed. Grass-fed refers to a ruminant that eats its natural diet of forage/grasses. There are various types of grasses that are used for feeding and finishing grass-fed animals. Both perennial and annual grasses, including many cereal grasses are used. In a grass feeding system, these crops are fed before the flowering stage (as green grass with no grain).
Over the winter months grassfed animals are fed a mix of hay (dry grasses) or greenfeed (hay made from annual cereal crops before they form any starch).
On the farm we raise grass-fed beef and pasture raised/free range poultry and pork.
What is the difference between grass-fed and grass-finished?
The terms “grass-fed”, “grass-fed & finished” or “grass-finished” can often be confusing. In the case of beef cattle, all beef cows eat grass at some time in their lives. “grass-fed” most commonly refers to cattle that have lived out their life on pasture and eat grass from the time they are born until the time they go to slaughter. “Grass-finished” generally refers to an animal that was at some point fed grain but was placed on a 100% grass diet for the last several months of it’s life.
There are no standards governing the use of the term “grassfed” in Canada so it is important for you to know where your food comes from. If you know the farmer you can ask questions and see for yourself how the land and livestock are managed.
Do you raise all of your own animals?
Yes. All of the meat we sell comes from animals raised here at Luna Field Farm.
This is one reason that we often sell out seasonal items, like beef, or if demand is high, we might have some gaps in product availability. We produce everything here on the farm and when we sell out we do not simply try to “source” more product.
Our grassfed beef operation is a joint effort. We manage our cattle together with our neighbour Iain. We own a portion of the herd and the cattle graze over a couple thousand acres. We live on neighbouring farms and we work togethe. The grassfed beef portion of our farm is a joint effort that we are all very passionate about and would not be possible without our join effort.
Why choose grassfed?
There is lots of into out there about this. Some sources of information are good and some not so good. I like grass-fed beef. As a land manager I like how it is produced and feel really good about the end product. There is an element of preference, as some folks do prefer the flavour and fat profile of corn/grain fed beef.
Grassfed can be a great way to take advantage of well manages pastures. We take grass and pasture management seriously. Besides for delicious beef there are other benefits to good grazing management including improved nutrient and water cycling, healthier soils, healthier animals and tasty beef. It is also good for bird conservation and bird habitat Click here to read more
How do we order food from Luna Field Farm?
If you would like to order please get in touch with us! We would be happy to add you to our mailing list. We send out regular farm updates and ordering information. Because our production is seasonal and some items are not available all year we like to let you know what is happening on the farm and what food is available for order.
You can also head over to our order form. Once you submit your order we will get in touch with you regarding delivery dates and locations. If you have a busy schedule don’t sweat it! We do regular deliveries and we will provide you with a few options for delivery dates and times.
Do you guarantee your product?